Thursday, March 4, 2010

Native Legend Tea

Today we can also enjoy the benefits of ESSIAC from Native Legends Tea marketed by Unicity Marketing.

Many of us do not have the slightest idea of how to maintain good health. When illness strikes, we rely on our doctors to cure us. What we fail to realize is that The cure comes from within. Nature has provided us with a wondrous immune system and we have to take proper care of this inner healing force.

Our modern lifestyle has taken us off the right track with fast food, junk food, processed food, drug dependencies, smoking and alcohol abuse, a polluted environment and high tech stress-load the body with impurities and overburden its eliminatory processes and gradually weaken our immune system. Our body becomes susceptible to all kind of modern ailments.

NATIVE LEGEND TEA is one of the best cleanser or blood purifier and a nourisher that benefit the immune system. It is wholesome and aids in strengthening the body. It can reduce swelling around joints and helps rid calcification deposits. It improves kidney functions to help clear the blood of harmful acids.

It also aids the pituitary gland in releasing an ample supply of protein to help adjust hormone balance in the body. A poorly nourished pituitary gland is sometimes responsible for over weight.

NATIVE LEGEND TEA has the ability to neutralize stomach acidity and to absorb foul gases. It acts as a buffer against irritation and inflammation of the Mucus Membranes and assists the activity of adrenal glands, which helps to send a stream of blood building substances through the system.

This native herbal recipe consists of four natural herbs, burdock root, slippery elm bark, sheep sorrel leaf and turkey rhubarb root that are totally non-toxic. They are all either organically grown or wild-crafted. Each of these herbs is renown for their healing properties. However, it appears to be the synergistic effect of the blended herbs that produces the amazing curative power.

Native Legend tea contains 10 types of herbs Burdock, Holly Thistle, Kelp, Red Clover, Sheep Sorrel, Slippery Elm, Turkish, Rhubarb, Water Cress. As the name indicates, Native Legend Tea has its roots in a Native American herbal recipe. The Indians of long ago literally picked their own medicines, and their apothecaries were the fields around them. This particular combination of herbs was used for its remarkable wholesome benefits. Burdock is the main ingredient in Native Legend Tea.

Burdock, Herb - Has been shown to be one of the best blood purifiers. It may help reduce swelling around joints and helps rid calcification deposits, as it promotes kidney function to help clear the blood of harmful acids.
Holly Thistle, Herb - Has been shown to stimulate the production of gastric juices.
Kelp, Herb - Kelp is a rich source of vitamins, especially B vitamins. It is reported to be beneficial to brain tissue, the membranes surrounding the brain, sensory nerves, and the spinal cord, as well as nails and blood vessels. It has been useful in treatment for thyroid problems due to its iodine content, as well as hair loss, obesity and ulcers. It contains 30 minerals considered vital to glandular health and functional as enzyme co-factors. It has traditionally been used in the treatment of a thyroid disorder caused by an iodine deficiency and is beneficial in regulating the metabolism of digestion.
Red Clover, Herb - Used in Europe as a diuretic to treat gout. Antibiotic tests confirm red clover's action against several bacteria, including the pathogen that causes tuberculosis. It is used by many naturopathic physicians in regular cleansing programs.
Sheep Sorrel, Herb - Has been shown to be helpful for fevers, inflamation, scurvy, tumors and cancer.
Slippery Elm, Herb - Has the ability to neutralize stomach acidity and to absorb foul gases. It aids in the digestion of milk. Acts as a buffer against irritations and inflammations of the mucus membranes. Draws out impurities and heals all parts of the body.
Turkish Rhubarb. Herb - Helps stimulate liver secretion and assists the intestines in regulating the absoption of fats.
Water Cress, Food - Very high in Vitamin C, has been recommended for kidney disorders.

Features and Benefits:

Enhances and maintains the immune system.

Offers potent blood cleansing properties.

Derived from Native American herbal recipe.

Reduce cell mutation and also considerable anti-tumor activity

Manufactured with 100 percents all natural ingredients at own facility to meet the strictest quality control standards.

Arthritis: Helps with anti-inflammatory action, rheumatism and gout.

Blood: Hypoglycemic action. Cleanses and purifies blood very rapidly. Helps prevent blood acidity.

Digestive: Externally to reduce hemorrhoids.

Cancer: Reduce cell mutation and also considerable anti-tumor activity.

Immune: Nourish the immune system.

Liver: Has restorative powers for liver and gallbladder.

Skin: Tea will clear all kinds of skin problems, such as boils and carbuncles.

Tonic: Cleansing, purifying, detoxifying and smoothing to the entire body.

Urinary: Strongly diuretic and diaphoretic. Helps prevent stone formation and fights infections.

Ingredients: Burdock, Turkey rhubarb, sheep sorrel leaf, slippery elm cress, holly thistle leaf, red clover tops, watercress leaf and kelp.

Recommended of use: Steep one tea bag in an eight-ounce mug of boiling water for 10-15 minutes and then drink. Use once a day.
*For best results: Break the tea bag and boil. Drink and swallow all the herbs. For long term health benefits, take ONCE a week.

Packaging: 30 tea bags per box


  1. Do me a favour, by send detailed information about your Native green tea, my email address is, and my name is Oluwole Akindele, i shall be expecting your reply.

  2. Thanks for sharing this informational post. Essiac Tea formula is very effective for human being and pets. Keep it up for this post.

  3. Can I PLEASE by this! I used to sell this product along with many others when I was a distributor with Enrich International. Can you please get ahold of me.
