Saturday, October 8, 2011

Facing My Past

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same."
~Flavia Weedn


How do I stop thinking of the past and hope for a better future. MY mind is going to have thoughts and memories about MY past. I might hear a song that brings back certain memories. I might come across something or some place that reminds ME of the person I love. There are two key components to this.

The first one is allowing the thoughts to come to the surface instead of trying to get rid of them and block them out. They might trigger a lot of feelings and it is important that I acknowledge their existence. I can realize and learn a lot from what is coming into MY mind from the past. I can grow and learn from these past memories. I can see how much I have already grown, and I can cherish the times I had in the past for all of the good it did bring into MY life, even if some of those times were difficult. In this case, allow, acknowledge and come into MY truth about what MY thoughts and feelings are trying to get ME to see, feel and recognize. I can have wonderful realizations if I take this approach and it is entirely empowering!

The second disempowering aspect of thinking about the past is dwelling in it and wishing it were the same. This takes ME out of the now moment, when MY creativity, and creatively thinking by looking for a higher reason as to why I AM feeling this way will serve ME so much better.

I cannot re-do the past. It is behind ME. I can only go forward from this point one moment at a time. So if a past memory comes up, I WILL allow it to! What is it trying to tell ME? How do I really feel about it? I WILL come into MY truth. Then, I WILL go with what I AM getting. If YOU contact ME, be REAL! If YOU never contact ME again, I WILL trust and accept what is, and with a great amount of loving compassion for MYSELF, I WILL focus on what I can experience or create in this now moment.

The only time it will serve ME to think about the past is when I truly want to learn and grow from MY past experiences. Trying to bring back the past is like trying to bring back a breeze that passed by. But, I can always have a new breeze come MY way. It could be YOU, or a new person. It could be many experiences I came into this life to express. The greatest thing I can do with MY memories of the past is give them a lot of love, because they did serve ME well, especially if they were difficult. If I AM dwelling in a negative manner, then this is hindering MY growth. I WILL ask MYSELF what I have learned, and what means the most to ME. Above all, I WILL trust that I would not be where I AM today if those experiences were not in MY life, and I AM not meant to keep re-living the events of MY past. I AM here to create new, positive and life enriching ones. Can it be with YOU? That is up to each person’s free will and choice. I can trust one thing, however, and that is that if it is meant to be for MY highest good, it will be, no matter which way it turns out.

I WILL view the past with love and appreciation. Then I can take all of the growth I have made and create, live, be and express so much more.

Hoping for the future is a complete waste of time. Why? Because it is detracting from this now moment when all creation exists! I WILL Pull MYSELF into NOW, and I WILL feel guided from within. Life will begin to flow smoothly, effortlessly, and everything will fall into place for MY highest good. If I could only realize how profound this now moment is, when events happen that I would call a miracle, I will cease to live projecting into the future, and I WILL create everything from MY heart NOW. There is nothing more pure and positive, and it all comes from MY heart. I WILL TRUST that everything is unfolding according to MY highest good. As I begin to get centered in this now moment, I WILL go with what MY inner guidance and gut feelings is telling ME! I WILL ALWAYS follow MY inner guidance. THAT is what will create MY “future” and it will result in the greatest life I could possibly have.

© Copyright by Barbara Rose, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

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